
Celery Juice

Celery Juice

I had a lot of requests for this celery juice recipe after my recent post on my personal experience with celery juice and acne. Please note that I don't think celery juice is a fix for everything at all and this was very much a personal experience. If you would like to understand more about my story, you can read the post here.

I’m not sure I can even class this as a recipe – it is just celery, but as it turns out celery juice is rich in a few key nutrients.

It is important to note that juicing removes the fibre component to celery (and any other fruits and vegetables that you juice) and whilst juices are high in vitamins and minerals, it is important to ensure high fibre foods elsewhere in your diet.

celery juice recipe

Celery Juice - Key Nutrients

Calcium - 450 mls of celery juice provides 180 mg calcium, that’s 18% of your recommended daily intake.

Magnesium - Again, approximately 20% of your daily recommended intake is met with 450 mls of juice and magnesium is a really important nutrient to support the nervous system.

Water  - Celery is mostly made up of water, so you’ll get additional nutrients and increase your water intake in one, which will help deliver all of those green goodness nutrients to your cells.

Celery Juice

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1 person


  • 1 bunch celery depending on the size of the bunch depends how much juice you will get. Aim for as big a bunch as possible to get two juices out of it.


  • Wash celery (give it a good scrub and remove all soil residues).
  • Leaves - leaves can make the juice taste more bitter. I usually remove if there are lots of dark ones, otherwise leave them on.
  • Place celery into a juicer (note this recipe is for juicers and not blenders).
  • So easy.
  • I would love your feedback and comments below on this recipe and don't forget to tag me in your photos @amysavagenutrition


Essential Equipment

Juicer - I have a Breville juice fountain compact (the best-priced one I could find at $98).  

Find your Ingredients

Celery - fruit & vegetable aisle

Course Drinks


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Amy Savage is a qualified Nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional & Dietetic Medicine and is available for consultations online and in Sydney CBD. Email for further details. 

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