
Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie

Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie

Breakfast smoothies are perfect for an energy boost in the morning and are an equally perfect option for breakfast on the go making the Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie a perfect choice. If you have a busy job and find you are constantly on the move with no time to sit down and eat breakfast, smoothies are a good way to get some energising nutrients to help fuel the day ahead. Having food prepped also helps to avoid grabbing snacks on the go that are typically higher in sugar and saturated fats.

Bananas are a perfect way to kick start your energy intake for the day!

This takes 5 minutes to make and can be made the evening before and stored in the fridge.

Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie

Key Nutrients - Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie

B Vitamins – B vitamins play a really important role in the production of energy via the krebs cycle. This is a process in the body that converts energy from the food we eat and utilises a number of different B vitamins throughout the process.

Fibre – With just over 2g fibre per serve, fibre is one of the most nutrients to regulate bowel movements, look after your gut microbiome, reduce LDL cholesterol and is a useful weight management tool.

Magnesium – This smoothie contains 12% of the recommended daily intake of magnesium. Magnesium is essential to support our central nervous system and plays a key role in stress and sleep.

Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie

Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie

Servings 1 person


  • 1 cup soy milk
  • 1 banana
  • cup oats
  • 1 scoop Vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • ½ tsp cinnamon


  • Place all ingredients into a blender starting with the soy milk and blend until smooth and serve.


Essential Equipment



I use a standard cup measure. If you don’t have one you can use a mug and substitute the amount for ¾ of a standard size mug.

Find your Ingredients

My favourite vanilla protein is by Nuzest!

Course Breakfast, Drinks

Banana Oat Breakfast Smoothie

If you like this recipe, you might like to try these easy breakfast options;


Amy Savage is a qualified Nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional & Dietetic Medicine and is available for consultations online and in Sydney CBD. Email for further details. 

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